Squat Success


“If someone is thinking about setting up a squat, and look for the right support, Bobby is a great guy and Squat Success is going to help you to take that journey and move forward.” – Dr Kuwer Singh Chani

“If there are people who are wondering whether to join Squat Success, the answer is “yes, just do it”. It will be worth your while, you will learn loads of information and more importantly,  you will make the right connections with people who share a similar vision to you.” – Dr Sunkanmi Oladeji Olaore

“As soon as I heard that Bobby had set up his course, and I knew that his private practice was doing very well, for me, it was a no-brainer” – Dr Nida Khan

“If you’re serious about opening a dental practice, you have to join! The amount of value you get for the price, I think it’s amazing.” – Dr Nasar Mahmood

“Knowing where to start off in my journey was quite important and getting that from someone who has been through this journey before was very helpful. I have enjoyed every week of this course. I would definitely recommend Squat Success to anyone in my position.” – Dr Waddah Salman

“Inspirational, the best word to describe it. The level of knowledge, the level of details are great. Bobby is full of great wisdom, full of great stories of what went wrong and what went right for him. Definitely recommend Squat Success.” – Dr Matthew Stephen

“I wanted to find out more about starting a squat practice from scratch, business planning, financial side of things as well as marketing. I would wholeheartedly recommend Squat Success, it has been absolutely incredible course.” – Dr Amit

“Squat Success has been a really valuable asset to me in regard to setting up my squat and helping me along the journey. If you’re thinking of setting up a dental squat practice, then this course is definitely for you.” – Dr Aisha

“I have learned a lot from Bobby, and I feel equipped and motivated to start my own practice. He is a great guy, and he is very good to learn from. He is always there to help any time of the day. I would definitely recommend this course.” – Dr Andreas Charalampous

Over the past few months, Bobby has been an exceptional educator, guiding me through the intricacies of setting up a dental practice.

Dr Khan